
barley growing facilities

Branch Experiment Stations - research and extension facilities located in each of Oregon's main agricultural environments at which research in the agricultural, biological, social, and environmental sciences is conducted for the economic, social and environmental benefit of Oregon.

Soil Health Lab - offers plant, soil, and water analysis to determine nutrient/mineral content and does physical characterization of soils.

County Extension Offices - connecting Oregonians to Oregon State University resources in their communities.

Greenhouses - facilities supported by the College of Agricultural Sciences for plant, soil, and entomology studies

Hyslop Research Field Lab - the primary College of Agricultural Sciences Plant Sciences Farm used by campus-based Crop and Soil Science faculty.

Physical Characterization Lab - provides analysis of the physical properties of soils, including moisture retention curves, particle density readings, and more.

Oregon Seed Certification Service - certifies the quality of over 250,000 acres of seed crops annually and over 50 different crop species.

Stable Isotope Research Unit  - analyzes plant, soil, and other types of biological and environmental samples for 15N and 13C abundance by CF-IRMS and by GC-C-IRMS.

Seed Lab - the official seed testing lab for the State of Oregon.  Provides testing services that evaluate many seed quality factors that are critical in seed cleaning, certification, labeling, marketing, and final utilization of seeds.