All students majoring in Crop and Soil Science, regardless of option, are required to complete an experiential learning experience in form of an intership (CROP - PBG - SOIL 410), a research project (CROP - PBG - SOIL 401), or an undergraduate thesis (CROP - PBG - SOIL 403). A thesis usually also includes a research project and adds a scholarly writing experience. Completing an internship or research project will provide you with the opportunity to gain practical experience while receiving credit for your work. During this experience, you'll apply the science and theory that you have learned in courses to real world situations.
For students with an interest in an unfunded or partially funded internship, support dollars are available. E.R. Jackman Friends and Alumni continue to generously contribute to the Internship Support Program. This program provides money to undergraduate students in the College of Agricultural Sciences who are participating in volunteer or low-paying research/internships that have expenses such as travel or special equipment. Applications are due in the first two weeks of the term prior to the internship or research experience. Please contact the internship and undergraduate research coordinator for further application information.
Internship Coordinator
Stefan Seiter
Research Opportunities
Research can be an integral part of an Oregon State University education. For more information on research, its impact and how it can enhance your education, visit the Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and the Arts website or watch a presentation on how to get involved in undergraduate research at OSU. Students in Crop and Soil Science may participate in a variety of research opportunities including Branch Experiment Station Internships, Beginning Researchers Support Programs, and Continuing Researchers Support Programs. For more information visit the Undergraduate Research page of the College of Agricultural Sciences.
Internship Opportunities
Students are responsible for finding an employer who offers an internship related to their course of study. Students may contact the Internship Coordinator, Stefan Seiter, for suggestions on the type of internship opportunities that are generally available. The Internship Coordinator may also be able to provide a list of employers who have provided internship opportunities in Oregon to CSS undergraduate students in the past.
Student Learning Outcomes
The purpose of the internship in the Department of Crop and Soil Science is to provide you with a learning experience that has immediate real world application. You'll put into practice some of the concepts you have learned in the classroom, and you'll be provided an opportunity to learn new skills and applications.
Experiential Learning Work Hours per Credit
You are expected to work 100-120 hours for each internship credit taken. For each research credit, you are expected to work 35-40 hours. Variance from this level needs pre-approval from the internship coordinator.
Guidance for Undergraduate Thesis CROP - SOIL - PBG 401
- Please speak to your academic advisor if you are planning to write an undergraduate thesis
Forms for Internship CROP - SOIL - PBG 410
- Checklist of Activities & Overall Grading
- Internship Commitment Form
- Tri-Weekly Internship Report
- Final Report Outline/Format
- Employer's Evaluation of Student Performance