
Soil Health Laboratory

The Soil Health Laboratory provides inorganic chemical analysis of soils, plants, and water. Routine procedures include standard soil testing methods, nutrient analysis of plant tissue, and inorganic water analysis.
For more information contact:

Foundation Seed Program

Due to budget constraints and changes in overall potato program operations, the Oregon Foundation Potato Seed Program will no longer be producing certified minitubers or tissue culture plantlets. The University of Idaho Potato Tissue Culture Lab will take over these responsibilities for potato growers in the region. For more information contact:

Lorie Ewing

Ken Gray Insect Image Collection

Image collection of insects and arthropods collected by Ken Gray, an avid Portland photographer. High-quality JPEG files are available (3000 x 2000 resolution) for those wishing to use the images in publications and other media. For more information contact:

Russ Karow

Seed Certification

The Oregon Seed Certification program serves a vital role in making improved varieties of forages, turf, and food crops available to agricultural producers. Through the certification process, the limited quantity of improved seed and propagating material released by plant breeders as new varieties are increased to quantities adequate to meet the needs of the agricultural industry. The certification staff monitors the seed multiplication process and verifies that the production has met the criteria necessary to protect the genetic identity of these new varieties. For more information contact:

Seed Laboratory

Seed Laboratory testing services focus on evaluating many seed quality factors that are critical for seed production, cleaning, certification, labeling, marketing, and final use of seeds. For more information contact:

Stable Isotope Research Unit

The Stable Isotope Research Unit analyzes plant, soil, and other types of biological and environmental samples for 15N and 13C abundance by CF-IRMS and by GC-C-IRMS. Our systems include two PDZ-Europa 20/20 isotope ratio mass spectrometers interfaced with Sercon and Europa gas-solid-liquid prep modules and an Agilent Gas Chromatograph.

For more information contact:

David Myrold