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OSU ScholarDollars is Oregon State University's online scholarship search and application portal! 

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ALL students currently enrolled in an Crop and Soil Science degree program are eligible to apply. This includes students taking courses at OSU’s main Corvallis campus, OSU's location on the Eastern Oregon University campus in La Grande, OSU’s distance-education program, or OSU’s degree partnership program with select Oregon community colleges.


Often, many criteria other than academic record and financial need are used to select scholarship recipients. The Crop and Soil Science Department determines eligibility for scholarships and makes final selection of award recipients.

Application Process

To apply for Crop and Soil Science scholarships, complete the OSU ScholarDollars Application between November 1 and February 1 to maximize the number of scholarships for which you will be considered. Most OSU scholarships have application deadlines on or after February 15, 2021, but specific deadlines may vary.

By utilizing this application, you may apply for all of the scholarship awards available through the Crop and Soil Science program scholarships program, as well as other OSU departments (such as the College of Agricultural Sciences) and external scholarships.

How to Use ScholarDollars

Crop and Soil Science Department Scholarships - ScholarDollars

CSS Scholarships Available in ScholarDollars - Deadline: February 15

  • Arthur King Memorial Scholarship - open to CSS major undergraduates with a sophomore, junior or senior class standing and graduate students. Preference given to students with financial need and interest in soil science


  • Adams Family Scholarship - open to full-time undergraduates majoring in Animal Sciences or Crop and Soil Sciences. Mus have junior or senior class standing, preference given to students planning a career in the agriculture food production industry in one of the following areas: production, processing, safety or marketing


  • Bruce and Helle Ruddenklau Scholarship - awarded to student majoring or minoring in CSS with preference given to students who want to pursue a career in production agriculture or sciences that will directly benefit production agriculture (such as agronomy, plant breading, soil science, weed science, entomologist, etc.)


  • Collins Agricultural Consultants Scholarship - awarded to CSS major undergraduate or graduate student


  • Donald D. Hill Memorial Scholarship - awarded to CSS major undergraduate student with financial need


  • Dr. Ishwar P. Murarka Graduate Fellowship - awarded to CSS major graduate student majoring in soil fertility, soil chemistry or soil physics with a focus on research, teaching or farming. Must have GPA 3.0 or better and have financial need


  • Henry H. Rampton Memorial Scholarship - awarded to CSS major undergraduate or graduate student with GPA 3.25 or better for undergraduate or GPA 3.0 or better for graduate. Preference given to financial dependents of Oregon grass seed industry families.


  • J. Ritchie Cowan Memorial Fellowship - awarded to full-time CSS major undergraduate or graduate international student. Preference given for students with financial need and interest in Agronomy


  • John Flanagan Memorial Scholarship – Based on financial need and involvement in some aspect of seed production, technology or science.


  • John and Jean Krautscheid Scholarship - awarded to undergraduate or graduate majoring in soil science with GPA 3.25 or better for undergraduate or GPA 3.0 or better for graduate. Preference given to students involved in community and/or university activities beyond the classroom.


  • Larry C. Burrill Memorial Scholarship - open to CSS graduate students. Awarded based on financial need, interest in international agriculture and/or weed science.


  • Leo L. Anderson Jr. Memorial Scholarship in Soil Science - open to CSS major undergraduates, preference given to those with experience or possible future in Extension


  • M. Dale Chipman Memorial Scholarship - awarded to CSS undergraduate student from Oregon or Idaho with financial need


  • McGuire Crop Science Scholarship - awarded to CSS major undergraduate student. Preference given to students with financial need


  • Okezie Akobundo Scholarship - awarded to CSS major graduate student. Preference given to doctoral students with interest in international agriculture, preferably on the continent of Africa or tropical environments


  • Robert J. Metzger Scholarship - awarded to CSS graduate student who has an interest in crop breeding and genetics.


  • Sheldon L. Ladd Memorial Scholarship - awarded to full-time CSS undergraduate or graduate student with GPA 3.25 or better for undergraduate or GPA 3.0 or better for graduate. Preference given to students involved in the community and educational pursuits


  • Wilbur Powers Memorial Scholarship - awarded to CSS major undergraduate student with preference for those interested in soil science


  • William and Heidi Geshwill Scholarship – awarded based on Junior, Senior, GPA 3.0 or better, plans to return to family farm


  • Wilson H. Foote Memorial Scholarship - awarded to CSS major undergraduate student with financial need


  • WM Paul and Elsa Danskine Agricultural Scholarship - preference for students studying permaculture, organic and/or sustainable agriculture, who demonstrate financial need and are working during school to fully or partially self-funding their education

Crop and Soil Science Department Scholarships - Separate Application Required

CSS Scholarships Requiring Separate Application

  • William Kent Wiley, Jr. Memorial Scholarship – awarded to graduate students in grass seed science with research that addresses the needs of the grass seed industry.  First preference is for US or Canadian students. CSS scholarship committee selects nominees for interviews. Online Application


  • Timothy Scott Wirth Memorial Scholarship - Offered through the Crop and Soil Science Department. It requires a separate application and is only available to those who have or will graduate from a Linn County or Benton County high school. Online Application


  • Oregon Seed Association Scholarship – awarded to an Oregon resident based on financial need and pursuit of career in field related to seed production, improvement or marketing.  Committee selects 2 or more nominees for interviews.  Each nominee needs to submit a letter outlining need and qualifications; a letter from an advisor, supervisor or counselor; and an application. Online application


  • Oregon Seed Cleaning – awarded based on Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Oregon resident, academics, financial need, career goals in seed production, marketing, improvement. Online Application


  • Oregon Seed Growers League Scholarship – awarded to student with interests in the seed industry that is either from Oregon or plans to stay in Oregon, based on financial need more than academic achievement.  Selection is forwarded to the Oregon Seed Growers League.  Request that the awardee attend the annual OSGL meeting for presentation of the award.


  • Oregon Society of Weed Science Scholarship – committee selects two nominees from CSS and two nominees from HORT for interviews. Nominees will have an interest in weed science and at least one year enrolled in school with a cumulative of 3.0 GPA. Two awards will be made – one for eastern Oregon (EOU program) and one for western Oregon (OSU-Corvallis)


  • Calvin & Merle Smith Wheat Research Endowment Fund - Supports a student’s work on an OSU wheat research project in any College of Agricultural Sciencs academic department or Agricultural Experiment Station branch station. The purpose of this program is to provide financial assistance to undergraduate students in the College of Agricultural Sciences and related fields who are working on OSU wheat research projects. Funds may be used to help offset expenses including transportation, living expenses, tuition, projects, and research only. Download the application

External Scholarship Opportunities
  • Oregon Society of Soil Scientists - Awarded to student attending a college of university in Oregon and pursing studies in soil-related discipline. Minimum 3.0 overall GPA. Deadline - September 1


  • ExtremeTerrain - 1 scholarship for $2,500 will be awarded twice a year to students who are pursuing a Biology or a related degree in Environmental Studies. One scholarship will be awarded for the fall semester and another for the spring semester each year. Deadline - October 15th and June 15th


  • National Garden Clubs - Annually up to forty-three (43) NGC Scholarships are available, each in the amount of $4,000. Open to undergraduate and graduate students majoring in one of the following fields of study: agronomy, agriculture education, floriculture, horticulture, landscape design, botany biology, forestry, wildlife science, plant pathology/science, city (rural & urban) planning, habitat or forest/systems ecology, environmental concerns, environmental conservation, land management. Deadline - February 1


  • Oregon Wheat Growers League - Awarded to graduating high school seniors who are the child of a grower member of the Oregon Wheat Growers League, or whose parents are employed by a grower member of the Oregon Wheat Growers League. The scholarship is also open to students who have worked summers for grower members. Deadline - February 1


  • Oregon FFA - Deadlines vary 
    • One application, multiple scholarships - Must be Oregon resident and have or plan to graduate from an Oregon high school, US citizen or eligible non-citizen and current member of the Oregon FFA Association. Deadline - January 31
    • Thornton FFA Collegiate Scholarship - Criteria - minimum 2.8 cumulative GPA, be enrolled full time in an Oregon community college or university either as undergraduates majoring in an eligible agriculture degree or master’s degree students majoring in agricultural education planning to teach in Oregon. Student selection shall be limited to Oregon high school graduates who completed a minimum of two years in an Oregon Agricultural Sciences and Technology Program (vocational agriculture) with membership in an Oregon high school FFA chapter at least their junior and senior years. Students must be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents. Preference given to Yamhill-Carlton FFA program, then to students from Yamhill County, then to students from Polk County, then to students throughout the state of Oregon. Deadline - February 8


  • Western Reserve Herb Society - This Horticulture and Plant Sciences Scholarship is open to students who have completed the second/sophomore year of undergraduate study and are pursing a Bachelor degree. The applicant must be attending an accredited college or university in the United States and have achieved a grade point average of 3.2 or above. The award of $10,000 will be made to the student who plans a career in horticulture and related plant sciences disciplines. Deadline - February 28


  • Hispanic Scholarship Fund - Must be of Hispanic heritage, U.S. citizen, permanent legal resident, or DACA, minimum of 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) for high school students; minimum of 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) for college and graduate students, plan to enroll full-time in an accredited, public or not-for-profit, four-year university, or graduate school, in the US, for the 2022-2023 academic year and submit the FAFSA or state-based financial aid forms (if applicable). Deadline - February 15


  • AgWest Farm Credit Services - Deadline March 1
    • Championing Agriculture Scholarship: Students currently enrolled in a university or a post-secondary institution within AgWest's service territory are eligible to apply. The degree, certificate or technical program and desired career path must be directly tied to serving the agriculture industry. Scholarships are $2,500.
    • Customer scholarship: AgWest customers and their sons and daughters who are high school seniors or college students are eligible to apply. Any college, university, vocational or trade program is eligible. Scholarships are $2,500.


  • OSU Folk Club - Deadline March 1 
    • High School Scholarship - awarded to seniors graduating from a Benton County high school or who live in Benton County. They must plan to attend OSU full-time or have full-time dual enrollment in the Degree Partnership Program of LBCC and OSU with at least 6 credits per term at OSU in the academic year 2022-23. The principal criterion for this award is academic merit. 
    • Current or Returning Undergraduate Scholarship - awarded to Oregon resident undergraduates enrolled at Oregon State University with at least 6 credits per term in the academic year 2023-24 and a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.The primary criteria are financial need and academic achievement.


  • J.R. Simplot - The applicant's mother, father, or legal guardian must be an employee of the J.R. Simplot Company or one of its subsidiaries at the time the application is made. Deadline - April 1


  • Western Seed Association - The Western Seed Association awards six (6) $6,000 scholarships each fiscal year to students pursing a degree in Agriculture/Agronomy.  Scholarships are open to undergraduate and graduate students. Deadline - April 15


  • Future Organic Farmers - Award amount: $5,000. Applicants must be enrolled in an educational program in the United States that will benefit their career in organic agriculture, including vocational training/certificate programs, junior college/two-year degree programs, and bachelor’s/four-year undergraduate degrees. Prior grantees are welcome to re-apply. Graduate studies are not eligible for grant funding. Applicants’ financial need is considered as part of the grant decision process. Deadline - April 19


  • Oregon Seed Association - Must be a relative of a current OSA member in good standing. Must be attending or planning to attend a college, university, or trade school the next academic year. Must be enrolled or plan to be enrolled in a program leading to at least a BA or BS or trade school certificate. Did not receive a Memorial Scholarship from OSA for the previous year. Deadline - April 15


  • Oregon Seed Council - Any college bound student who comes from a farm involved in seed production, has worked on a seed farm or has worked for a seed company. Deadline - March 1


  • Turf and Ornamental Communicators Association (TOCA) - The TOCA Board of Directors will award up to two $2,500, fall semester scholarships to undergraduate college students pursuing a career in green industry communications. To qualify, students must major or minor in technical communications or a green industry related field such as horticulture, plant sciences, botany, agronomy, plant pathology, etc. The applicants also must demonstrate an interest in using this course of study in the field of communications. Deadline - March 15


  • Far West Agribusiness Association - There will be two separate selection pools, one for graduating high school seniors and one for current college students. Scholarships are one year in length and will be awarded in amounts no less than $1,000 per student. The quantity and value of the scholarships awarded will be at the discretion of the scholarship committee. Eligibility Requirements: FWAA members pursuing a degree from a college or university in the United States or children and grandchildren of FWAA members or FWAA staff pursuing a degree from a college or university in the United States. Deadline - April 7


  • Pacific Northwest Vegetable Association - This scholarship can be used in any area of study in Agriculture, with preference given to areas specifically related to vegetable production. Deadline: April 27


  • Claire Hanley Scholarship - Scholarship awarded by the Lebanon Garden Club and associated Oregon Clubs: A $2,100 scholarship will be awarded to an Oregon State University student this year.  You must be a sophomore or upper division student majoring in agricultural production or landscape horticulture, including forestry management, and habitat/systems ecology, or a related field.  The scholarship is awarded based on academic excellence, personal qualifications and financial need. Applications are received each April, deadline is April 30th and will be evaluated by the Lebanon Garden Club committee. This scholarship is funded by donations, Memorials, Remembrances and State Life Memberships. For information on applying, contact one of the Committee Chairpersons: Trudie Bason, 541-521-5677 or Joli Root, 541-401-2336. Deadline - April 30



  • Food Northwest - Open to students pursuing a 4-year degree or graduate degree in an academic discipline and a strong interest and intent to work in the Northwest food processing industry.  Examples include, but are not limited to agricultural sciences, food science and technology, nutrition and dietary science, production, operations management, engineering, horticulture, agriculture and resources economics, business management, accounting, environmental sciences.  Students must have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Must be attending Oregon State University, University of Idaho and/or Washington State University. Deadline - June 30


  • Oregon Farm Bureau - Deadlines vary 
    • OFB Memorial Scholarship - Deadline March 1
    • Benton County Farm Bureau Scholarship - Deadline June 6
    • Clackamas County Farm Bureau Scholarship - Deadline April 4
    • Coos-Curry County Farm Bureau Scholarship - Deadline April 1
    • Deschutes County Farm Bureau Scholarships - Deadline April 30
    • Linn County Farm Bureau Scholarship - Deadline April 29
    • Mary Petzel Scholarship - The applicant must be a family member of a voting or supporting member of the Marion County Farm Bureau, OR enrolled in 4-H or FFA, OR majoring in Agriculture. The applicant must be a graduating high school senior or a full-time freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior (continuing to a graduate level degree program) at an accredited college or trade school. Deadline - May 1
    • Scott Miller Scholarship - The applicant must be a family member of a voting or supporting member of the Marion County Farm Bureau and a graduating high school senior or a full-time freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior (continuing to a graduate level degree program) at an accredited college or trade school and must be from Marion County. Deadline - May 1
    • Polk County Farm Bureau Scholarship - Deadline May 2
    • Umatilla-Morrow County Farm Bureau Scholarship - Deadline April 15
    • Washington County Farm Bureau 2022 High School Graduate Scholarship - Deadline April 11
    • Washington County Farm Bureau 2022 Collegiate Scholarship - Deadline April 11
    • Yamhill County Farm Bureau Scholarship - Deadline August 1


  • American Society of Agronomy (ASA) - Deadlines vary
    • Clark Soil Biology Graduate Student Scholarship - Deadline March 23
    • Frank D. Keim Graduate Fellowship - Deadline March 23
    • Gary "Pete" Peterson Dryland Soil Management Scholarship (Graduate) - Deadline March 23
    • Gerald O. Mott Award (Graduate) - Deadline March 2
    • Nelson Yield-Limiting Factors Graduate Student Scholarship - Deadline March 23
    • Soil and Water Conservation Scholarship (Undergraduate and M.S.) - Deadline June 1
    • Academic Undergraduate Scholarship - Deadline March 23
    • Golden Opportunities Scholars (Undergraduate) - Deadline March 16
    • Greenfield Scholars (Undergraduate) - Deadline March 23
    • J. Fielding Reed Undergraduate Soil and Plant Sciences Scholarship - Deadline March 23


  • Crop Science Society of America (CSSA) - Deadlines vary
    • Crop Science Graduate Student Scholarship - Deadline March 23
    • Clark Soil Biology Graduate Student Scholarship - Deadline March 23
    • Frank D. Keim Graduate Fellowship - Deadline March 23
    • Gerald O. Mott Award (Graduate) - Deadline March 2
    • Nelson Yield-Limiting Factors Graduate Student Scholarship - Deadline March 23
    • Soil and Water Conservation Scholarship (Undergraduate and M.S.) - Deadline June 1
    • Academic Undergraduate Scholarship - Deadline March 23
    • Golden Opportunities Scholars (Undergraduate) - Deadline March 23
    • J. Fielding Reed Undergraduate Soil and Plant Sciences Scholarship - Deadline March 23


  • Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) - Deadlines vary 
    • Clark Soil Biology Graduate Student Scholarship - Deadline March 23
    • Frank D. Keim Graduate Fellowship - Deadline March 23
    • Gary "Pete" Peterson Dryland Soil Management Scholarship (Graduate) - Deadline March 23
    • Nelson Yield-Limiting Factors Graduate Student Scholarship - Deadline March 23
    • Dellavalle Soil Science Scholarship - Deadline April 14
    • Soil and Water Conservation Scholarship (Undergraduate and M.S.) - Deadline June 1
    • Academic Undergraduate Scholarship - Deadline March 23
    • Golden Opportunities Scholars (Undergraduate) - Deadline March 23
    • J. Fielding Reed Undergraduate Soil and Plant Sciences Scholarship - Deadline March 23


  • Oregon Turfgrass Foundation 
    • Martin Scholarship - Must be enrolled in turfgrass program at OSU
    • Whitworth Scholarship - Awarded to a deserving turfgrass program student from the Northwest



  • Oregon Blueberry Commission Scholarship Program - Applicants must be enrolled in collge and selection preference will be given to applicants who are enrolled in a Crop Science, Horticulture or Food Science Program. Deadline- January 31