We are pleased to announce that Dr. Victor Ribeiro has joined the Department of Crop and Soil Science as Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist in Weed Science effective September 16, 2024.
Dr. Victor Ribeiro is originally from the state of Minas Gerais in southeastern Brazil. He earned his BSc in Agronomy and MSc in Crop Production from the Federal University of Jequitinhonha and Mucuri Valleys, Brazil. During his master’s degree, he was a visiting student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, which resulted in a two-year research program. Victor's passion for weed science inspired him to pursue advanced studies, ultimately earning a PhD in Crop Science from Oregon State University. Victor's research interests in weed science are broad, with a primary focus on herbicide resistance in weeds, herbicide fate in the environment and non-target impacts, and integrated weed management. His work spans both applied and basic research: he is committed to understanding growers' practices and the factors that shape their decision-making, while also contributing to fundamental knowledge on weed biology and ecology, and the molecular mechanisms underlying herbicide resistance. Victor is excited to join Oregon State University and looks forward to establishing an applied research and extension program aimed at developing practical, science-based solutions to address weed management challenges faced by growers in Oregon.