The Department of Crop and Soil Science solves problems related to field crop agriculture, natural systems, rural and urban economies, and natural resource management.

Get a Bachelor of Science Degree in Crop and Soil Science

As an undergraduate, you'll have many chances for hands-on learning. Research opportunities for students include projects in breeding plants for food, oil and other uses, the science behind soil health, small farm operations and more, while your required internship will introduce you to the different career options available to you once you graduate. Student club activities will help you hone your leadership skills, positioning you for an exciting career in agronomy, soil science, or plant breeding.

Learn about Graduate Programs

The Department of Crop and Soil Science offers graduate work in the following areas:

Crop Science & Production

We're committed to acquiring, integrating and sharing basic and applied knowledge about field crops and cropping systems in an ever-changing world.
Learn about crop science and production »

Soil Science

We strive to understand the structure and function of the earth's surface. Our broad discipline includes soil biology, chemistry, physics, fertility, and pedology.
Learn about soil science »

Our Students

Tessa Barker | M.S. Crop Science | Class of 2022

Salem, OR | ISHS member | B.A. Sociology

ASHS Undergraduate Oral Competition 2nd & 3rd Place 

Going Places

Angel Hammon | Agricultural Sciences | Class of 2021 | Susanville, California

Gates Millennium Scholar | Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation

STEM Leaders | International Agriculture Club 

First Generation College Student




In the News

The release of ‘Gale’, a new soft white winter wheat cultivar for the Willamette Valley, announced at the 2024 Hyslop Farm Field Day

The OSU wheat breeding program was delighted to announce the release of the new soft white winter wheat cultivar ‘Gale’ on May 22nd...

Naked barley team members and stakeholders gathered in Cold Spring, NY in October 2023 to strategize next steps for the project

Oregon plant researchers get grant to promote the benefits of ‘naked barley’

Easier for farmers to process and healthier than its hulled counterpart, naked barley is being studied at Oregon State University thanks in part...

Redefining Learner-centered Education to Build High Impact IPM Partnerships

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education, Post-Project Impacts - Extension professionals are often experts in their fields, but...

Student Spotlight - Cody Holubeck

Cody Holubeck | Crop and Soil Science Undergraduate | Soil Science Option

About Cody: 

I currently live on...